The format of conversion data are binary value and complement binary. The relationship between the voltage of binary value and conversion data is expressed by the following formula.
Voltage value = Binary value X ( Max value of Range - Min value of Range ) / Resolution + Min value of Range
The complement binary is that the conversion data of binary value is handled as 16-bit number and expressed in 2's complement notation. The following table shows the relationship between voltage, binary value and complement binary for the device with (-10 to 10V) range and 12 bit resolution.
Voltage |
Binary value |
Complement binary |
10V |
07FFH |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
0.005V |
0801H |
0001H |
0.000V |
0800H |
0000H |
-0.005V |
07FFH |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
-10.000V |
0000H |
F800H |
The data format of this driver is binary value. Complement binary is not supported.