Data attached to AD conversion data

If the user buffer mode is enabled, you can specify the data attached to AD conversion data with the AioSetAiAttachedData function.

Attached data is transferred to user memory together with AD conversion data.
Attached data uses 4 bytes (1 packet) for all types.

Therefore, please note that the number of packets required for one sampling changes depending on the specified status of attached data.
You can get the number of packets required per sampling with the AioGetAiSamplingDataSize function.


■Transfer image of attached data


Attached data follows AD conversion data.
They are transferred in the following order.
1. Attached information of analog input
2. Data of analog output
3. Data of digital input and output
4. Data of counter channel 0
5. Data of counter channel 1

Regardless of the type of attached data you use, data with the lowest number is transferred first.


■Detail of attached data

1. Attached information of analog input
Status of AD conversion operation is attached. This data (4 bytes) has meaning in bits.

   Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name

















High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name

















   ※Supplement of signal name
      Normal : If the current sampling is normal sampling, this bit is ON.   If it is delay sampling, this bit is OFF.
      Delay   : If the current sampling is delay sampling, this bit is ON.   If it is normal sampling, this bit is OFF.
      Repeat : If the current repeat times is odd number, this bit is ON.   If it is even number, this bit is OFF.
      Error    : If the sampling clock period error occurs, this bit is ON.   Otherwise this bit is OFF.
      - : Not used

2. Data of analog output
Attaches the analog output data, which are outputted in binary value when AD conversion is performed. This data (4 bytes) contains analog output data for 2 channels.

   Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name

Analog output data (binary) for channel 0

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name

Analog output data (binary) for channel 1

3. Data of digital input and output
Attaches the digital input/output data, which are inputted or outputted when AD conversion is performed. This data (4 bytes) has meaning in bits.
Signal allocation of each bit of digital input/output data (4 bytes) is as follows.
Signal allocation differs depending on the device used.

Specifications based on devices

AIO-163202G-PE, AIO-163202UG-PE, AIO-123202G-PE, AIO-123202UG-PE

Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name

DIO 15

DIO 14

DIO 13

DIO 12

DIO 11

DIO 10

DIO 09

DIO 08

DIO 07

DIO 06

DIO 05

DIO 04

DIO 03

DIO 02

DIO 01

DIO 00

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name








E-series Settings







Dir 01

Dir 00

※Supplement of signal name
   DIO 00 to DIO 15 : Pin numbers for digital input/output on the device. It is the status of digital input/output. If the Bit is specified with digital output, the value is the echo back data.
   Dir 00 : It is the input/output direction status of digital input/output port 0 (DIO 00 to 07).  0:Input  1:Output
   Dir 01 : It is the input/output direction status of digital input/output port 1 (DIO 08 to 15).  0:Input  1:Output
   E-series Settings : It is the status of the E-series settings jumper on the device.  0:Do not use as E-series compatible  1:Use as E-series compatible
   - : Not used


Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name






DO 02

DO 02

DO 01

DO 00




DI 03

DI 02

DI 01

DI 00

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name

















※Supplement of signal name
   DI 00 to DI 03 : Pin numbers for digital input on the device. It is the status of digital input.
   DO 00 to DO 03 : Pin numbers for digital output on the device. It is the echo back data of digital output.
   - : Not used

AIO-163202F-PE, ADA16-32/2(PCI)F

Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name









DI 07

DI 06

DI 05

DI 04

DI 03

DI 02

DI 01

DI 00

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name









DO 07

DO 06

DO 05

DO 04

DO 03

DO 02

DO 01

DO 00

※Supplement of signal name
   DI 00 to DI 07  : Pin numbers for digital input on the device. It is the status of digital input.
   DO 00 to DI 07 : Pin numbers for digital output on the device. It is the echo back data of digital output.
   - : Not used


4. Data of counter channel 0
Attaches the count value of counter channel 0 when AD conversion is performed. This data (4 bytes) is the count value of channel 0.

   Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name

Count value of channel 0 (Low 2 bytes)

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name

Count value of channel 0 (High 2 bytes )


5. Data of counter channel 1
Attaches the count value of counter channel 1 when AD conversion is performed. This data (4 bytes) is the count value of channel 1.

   Low 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 15

Bit 14

Bit 13

Bit 12

Bit 11

Bit 10

Bit 9

Bit 8

Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0

Signal Name

Count value of channel 1 (Low 2 bytes)

High 2 bytes

Attached Data

Bit 31

Bit 30

Bit 29

Bit 28

Bit 27

Bit 26

Bit 25

Bit 24

Bit 23

Bit 22

Bit 21

Bit 20

Bit 19

Bit 18

Bit 17

Bit 16

Signal Name

Count value of channel 1 (High 2 bytes)