About API-TOOL(WDM) Help

This API-TOOL (WDM) help is designed to be displayed in an appropriate layout that matches the window size.

Therefore, help descriptions can be viewed without stress even when viewed on display devices with different screen sizes, such as Desktop PC, Tablet PC, and Mobile.

In addition, since Bread Crumb is displayed at the top of all topics, the nesting (hierarchy) of the displayed topics is also clear.


It uses Responsive HTML5 technology.

Files in Responsive HTML5 format can be viewed with a standard web browser. We have confirmed that FireFox, Google Chrom, and the latest versions of Microsoft Edge can be used to browse API-TOOL(WDM) help.


Main Operation Method

Table of Contents tab: Select the Table of Contents tab () to display all the topics in the help in a tree view. Topics with mark at the beginning contain subtopics. Click the mark to expand the topic and display subtopics in a tree. Topics with mark at the beginning already have subtopics displayed in the tree view. Click the mark to collapse the subtopics and display mark at the beginning of the parent topic.

Index tab: Select the Index tab to display a list of pre-registered indexes. Enter characters in the [Filter Keywords] area in the Index tab, only the indexes that match the entered characters will be displayed in the list, allowing you to narrow down the index list.

Search area: Specify a word or phrase in the search area and press the search icon () to perform a full-text search in the help file and display a list of target topics.

Print icon: Click the print icon () to print the topic that is being displayed.

Arrow icon: Click the arrow icon () on the right side of the print icon to move to the topic before or after the topic being displayed.

Bread Crumb: Bread Crumb is displayed at the top of each topic. You can see the nesting of the currently displayed topic items by looking at the Bread Crumb. You can also navigate to the parent topic by selecting the parent topic on the Bread Crumb display.

"<<" icon: In Desktop PC layout, click the () icon in the top and bottom center of the displayed topic to collapse the Table of Contents/Index area. You can also click the () icon to redisplay the Table of Contents/Index area.




Layout Example

Desktop PC Layout


Tablet PC Layout


Mobile Layout