
image\BLTLRGSQ.gifBoards that Support the Function image\SETUP.gif image\SANBTN.gif



image\head10.gif Operation             Writes to the Service Request Enable register. (*SRE)


image\head10.gif Format                 


Dim Adr, Stb, Ret As Integer

Ret = GpCsre(Adr, Stb)



DWORD Adr, Stb, Ret;

Ret = GpCsre(Adr, Stb);



uint Adr, Stb, Ret;

Ret = gpib.Csre(Adr, Stb);



Adr, Stb, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpCsre(Adr, Stb)


image\head10.gif Mode                    Master mode only


image\head10.gif Parameters

Adr       :  Destination device address

Valid range : 0 to 30


Stb       :  Output status


Ret       :  Return value

0      : Normal completion

80     : GpIni() hasn't execute

140   :  Asynchronous function is executing now

240   :  ESC key pressed

242   :  Miss in address specified

252   :  GP-IB error

254   :  Timeout

255   :  Parameter error

(See "Return Values" for details.)


image\head10.gif Notes

This function cannot be used for a device that does not support IEEE-488.2.