that Support the Function
Operation 8-bytes
binary data(IEEE format) is changed into double(Double) value.
Dim Ret As Integer
Dim Str(8) As Byte
Dim DblData As Double
Ret = GpCnvCvd(Str, DblData)
BYTE Str[8];
double DblData;
Ret = GpCnvCvd(Str, &DblData);
uint Ret;
byte[] Str = new byte[8];
double DblData;
Ret = gpib.CnvCvd(Str, out DblData);
Ret = ctypes.c_ulong()
Str = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 8)()
DblData = ctypes.c_double()
Ret.value = GpibPy.GpCnvCvd(Str, ctypes.byref(DblData))
Mode Master
mode / Slave
Str : Binary data arrangement to change.
Specifies 8-bytes binary data (IEEE double precision format)
DblData : Changed double value (Double value in VB, return value)
Ret : Return value
0 : Normal completion
255 : Illegal call
(See "Return Values" for details.)
1 Binary data set up in this function must be satisfied the following conditions.
Specifies 8-bytes binary data (IEEE single precision format).
Have 8 bytes even if it is the worst. A movement isn't assured in the case as the under 8 bytes.
2 Changed data are only 8 bytes. Data on 9 bytes and more are ignored from the head.
3 Data on the first byte in the data
are changed by the default as an 'Sign
Use GpCnvCvSettings when you want to change
data on the last byte
as 'Sign Bit'.
4 This function can be used even if it isn't called a GpIni.
5 This function provides the function which is about equal to the CVD function of QuickBasic.