Boards that Support the Function
Operation Search out devices that can receive data. And can be specified by primary address and secondary address.
Dim Ret As Integer
Dim Pad, Sad, Lstn As Short
Ret = GpDevFindEx(Pad, Sad, Lstn)
short Pad, Sad, Lstn;
Ret = GpDevFindEx(Pad, Sad, &Lstn);
uint Ret;
short Pad, Sad, Lstn;
Ret = gpib.DevFindEx(Pad, Sad, out Lstn);
Ret = ctypes.c_ulong()
Pad, Sad, Lstn ctypes.c_short(), ctypes.c_short(), ctypes.c_short()
Ret.value = GpibPy.GpDevFindEx(Pad, Sad, ctypes.byref(Lstn))
Mode Master mode only
Parameters Pad : Primary Address (0-30)
Sad : Secondary Address (0, 96-126, -1)
0 : Secondary Address is not used.
96-126 : Specified Secondary Address is used.
1 : All Secondary Address is used.
Lstn : (OUT) Whether a device exists.
0 : Not exists
Except for 0 : Exists
Ret : Return value
0 : Normal completion
80 : GpIni() hasn't execute
140 : Asynchronous function is executing now
255 : Illegal call
(See "Return Values" for details.)
Notes There is the following difference in comparison with GpDevFind().
It can be executed by all supported boards.
Specified primary and secondary address is used.