
image\BLTLRGSQ.gifBoards that Support the Function image\SETUP.gif image\SANBTN.gif



image\head10.gif Operation             Gets the contents of the uPD7210C register and get/set various status.


image\head10.gif Format                 


Dim SetFlag, Reg, Preg, Ret As Integer

Ret = GpBoardstsEx(SetFlag, Reg, Preg)



DWORD SetFlag, Reg, Preg, Ret;

Ret = GpBoardstsEx(SetFlag, Reg, &Preg);



uint SetFlag, Reg, Preg, Ret;

Ret = gpib.BoardstsEx(SetFlag, Reg, out Preg);



SetFlag, Reg, Preg, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpBoardstsEx(SetFlag, Reg, ctypes.byref(Preg))


image\head10.gif Mode                   Master mode/Slave mode


image\head10.gif Parameters

SetFlag    : Select get/set

0                : Get

Except for 0 : Set


Reg         : Register or Status

It can be get in all the contents. The following * mark shows which can be set.


Set : Value : Contents

- :  00H  : Data in Register

- :  01H  : Interrupt status 1 Register

- :  02H  : Interrupt status 2 Register

- :  03H  : Serial poll status Register

- :  04H  : Address status Register

- :  05H  : Command pass through Register

- :  06H  : Address 0 Register

- :  07H  : Address 1 Register

* :  08H  : My Address

- :  09H  : IRQ

* :  0AH  : Master / Slave(0:Master /1:Slave)

- :  0BH  : I/O Address

* :  0CH  : DMA, FIFO, BusMaster Mode(0:INT / 1: DMA /  2:FIFO/3:BusMaster)

* :  0DH  : DMA Channel Number

- :  0EH  : Board Type

- :  10H  : SDC / DCL(0:Has not got DeviceClear/1:Has got DeviceClear)

- :  11H  : GET(0:Has not got DeviceTrigger/1:Has got DeviceTrigger)

- :  12H  : SRQ(0:Has not got SRQ/1:Has got SRQ)

- :  13H  : TA(0:Has not specified in Talker/1:Has specified in Talker)

- :  14H  : LA(0:Has not specified in Listener/1:Has specified in Listener)

* :  15H  : Delimiter(0:None/1:CR+LF/2:CR/3:LF)

* :  16H  : EOI(0:Not in use/1:In use)

- :  17H  : IFC (0:Has not received/1:Has received)

* :  20H  : Secondary Address(0, 96-126)

* :  21H  : EOS Byte data(00H-FFH) + Upper Status(0000H-FF00H)

* :  22H  : Enable EOI at end of data(0:Disable/1:Enable)

* :  23H  : Status of ATN Line(0:Disable/1:Enable)

- :  24H  : Status of REM (0:Local State/1:Remote State)

- :  25H  : Status of LOK (0:Free State/1:LockOut State)

- :  26H  : Status of Law TA (0:Has not specified in Talker/1:Has specified in Talker)

- :  27H  : Status of Law LA (0:Has not specified in Listener/1:Has specified in Listener)

- :  28H  : The conditions of END of the receiving function (0:Has not occurred/1:Occurred by EOS/2:Occurred by EOI/3:Occurred by EOS and EOI)

- :  29H  : Status of CIC (0:Not in CIC State/1:CIC State)

* :  2AH  : Terminate reads on EOS (0:Don't terminate/1:Terminate)

* :  2BH  : Enable EOI on every EOS send (0:Don't enable/1:Enable)

* :  2CH  : EOS compare (0:7Bit/1:8Bit)

* :  2DH  : Set END when read data same as EOS (0:Don't set/1:Set)

* :  2EH  : Configure IST Bit (0/1)

- :  2FH  : Error code of async functions

- :  30H  : Data Count of async functions

* :  31H  : Put Delimiter when end of send data (0:Don't put/1:Put)

* :  32H  : Count the Delimiter (0:Don't count/1:Count)

- :  33H  : State of Data send/receive (0:Can't transmit/1:Send available/2:Receive available)


Preg        : Register value or Board status

SetFlag=0 :Value that it was acquired.

SetFlag!=0 : Value to establish.


Ret          : Return value

0 : Normal completion

140 : Asynchronous function is executing now

255 : Parameter error

(See "Return Values" for details.)



1  It is effective only with GpTalkEx()/GpListenEx()/GpTalkAsync()/GpListenAsync(), case in SetFlag=1 and Reg=20H-22H, 2AH-2DH, 31H-32H. (F series is removed.)


2  It can be used even if this function doesn't do GpIni().


3  See "Contents of the uPD7210C register" for details about each register.