Setup Example

image\head10.gif VB.NET

Dim Ret, Cmd(31) As Integer

Dim talker, stbyte, Cnt As Integer

Dim Pstb(31) As Integer  ' Status-byte array

Dim Psrq(31) As Integer  ' Status of SRQ array

Cmd(0) = 2  ' Number of other device

Cmd(1) = 3  ' Address of device

Cmd(2) = 4  ' Address of device

Ret = GpPollEx(Cmd, Pstb, Psrq)

For Cnt = 1 to Cmd(0)

    If (Cnt > Psrq(0)) Then

        Exit For

    End If

    If (Psrq(Cnt) == 1) Then  ' When SRQ is sent

        talker = Cmd(Cnt)  ' Address of SRQ returned device

        stbyte = Pstb(Cnt)  ' Status-byte of SRQ returned device

    End If



image\head10.gif C

DWORD Ret, Cmd[31];

DWORD talker, stbyte, Cnt;

DWORD Pstb[31]; /* Status-byte array */

DWORD Psrq[31]; /* Status of SRQ array */

Cmd[0] = 2; /* Number of other device */

Cmd[1] = 3; /* Address of device */

Cmd[2] = 4; /* Address of device */

Ret = GpPollEx(Cmd, Pstb, Psrq);

for (Cnt = 1; Cnt <= Cmd[0]; Cnt++) {

 if (Cnt > Psrq[0]) {



 if (Psrq[Cnt] == 1) { /* When SRQ is sent */

 talker = Cmd[Cnt]; /* Address of SRQ returned device */

 stbyte = Pstb[Cnt]; /* Status-byte of SRQ returned device */




image\head10.gif C#

uint Ret;

uint talker, stbyte, Cnt;

uint[] Cmd = new uint[31];

uint[] Pstb = new uint[31]; /* Status-byte array */

uint[] Psrq = new uint[31]; /* Status of SRQ array */

Cmd[0] = 2; /* Number of other device */

Cmd[1] = 3; /* Address of device */

Cmd[2] = 4; /* Address of device */

Ret = gpib.PollEx(Cmd, Pstb, Psrq);

for (Cnt = 1; Cnt <= Cmd[0]; Cnt++) {

    if (Cnt > Psrq[0]) {



    if (Psrq[Cnt] == 1) { /* When SRQ is sent */

        talker = Cmd[Cnt];  /* Address of SRQ returned device */

        stbyte = Pstb[Cnt];  /* Status-byte of SRQ returned device */




image\head10.gif Python

Ret, Cmd = ctypes.c_ulong(), (ctypes.c_ulong * 31)()

talker, stbyte, Cnt = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()

Pstb = (ctypes.c_ulong * 31)() # Status-byte array

Psrq = (ctypes.c_ulong * 31)() # Status of SRQ array

Cmd[0] = 2 # Number of other device

Cmd[1] = 3 # Address of device

Cmd[2] = 4 # Address of device

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpPollEx(Cmd, Pstb, Psrq)

for Cnt in rang(1, Cmd[0]+1):

    if Cnt > Psrq[0]:


    If Psrq[Cnt] == 1: # When SRQ is sent

        talker.value = Cmd[Cnt] # Address of SRQ returned device

        stbyte.value = Pstb[Cnt] # Status-byte of SRQ returned device