that Support the Function
Operation Allocates
output lines when executing the parallel poll.
Dim Stppu, Ret As Integer
Dim Cmd(xxxx) As Integer ' (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays.)
Ret = GpStppoll(Cmd, Stppu)
DWORD Stppu, Ret;
DWORD * Cmd;
Ret = GpStppoll(Cmd, Stppu);
uint Stppu, Ret;
uint[] Cmd = new uint[xxxx]; /* (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays.) */
Ret = gpib.Stppoll(Cmd, Stppu);
Stppu, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()
Cmd = (ctypes.c_ulong * xxxx) #(xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays.)
Ret.value = GpibPy.GpStppoll(Cmd, Stppu)
Mode Master
mode only
Cmd : [0] Number of listeners
[1] Listener address(0 - 30)
[2] Line code
[3] Listener address(0 - 30)
[4] Line code
Stppu : Parallel Poll Unconfigure(PPU) output specification
0 : Not output
1 : Output
Ret : Return value
0 : Normal completion
80 : GpIni() hasn't execute
140 : Asynchronous function is executing now
240 : ESC key pressed
252 : GP-IB error
254 : Timeout
255 : Parameter error
(See "Return Values" for details.)
Composition of Line code as follows
Upper bits 6 (fixed)
U = 0 : Parallel Poll Enable(PPE)
U = 1 : Parallel Poll Disable(PPD)
Lower bits S = 0 S = 1 P3 P2 P1
Responded by 0 Responded by 1
0 0 0 : DIO1
0 0 1 : DIO2
0 1 0 : DIO3
0 1 1 : DIO4
1 0 0 : DIO5
1 0 1 : DIO6
1 1 0 : DIO7
1 1 1 : DIO8
Value of S is DIO Line's bits data, so set S=1.
For example, when set 68H(DIO1), return value of Pprdata (argument of GpExppoll)
is 1 (if sended SRQ).