
image\BLTLRGSQ.gifBoards that Support the Function image\SETUP.gif image\SANBTN.gif



image\head10.gif Operation             Executes serial poll.


image\head10.gif Format                 


Dim Ret As Integer

Dim Cmd(xxxx) As Integer ' (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays)

Dim Pstb(xxxx) As Integer ' (xxxx specifies the maximum amount of devices + 1)

Ret = GpPoll(Cmd, Pstb)




DWORD * Cmd;

DWORD * Pstb;

Ret = GpPoll(Cmd, Pstb);



uint Ret;

uint[] Cmd = new uint[xxxx]; /* (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays) */

uint[] Pstb = new uint[xxxx]; /* (xxxx specifies the maximum amount of devices + 1) */

Ret = gpib.Poll(Cmd, Pstb);



Ret = ctypes.c_ulong()

Cmd = (ctypes.c_ulong * xxxx) #(xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays)

Pstb = (ctypes.c_ulong * xxxx) #(xxxx specifies the maximum amount of devices + 1)

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpPoll(Cmd, Pstb)


image\head10.gif Mode                   Master mode only


image\head10.gif Parameters

Cmd             :  Command array

[0] Number of talkers

[1] Talker address



Pstb             :  Returned status byte array (return value)

[0] Array number that is the location of the talker with "RQS bit on"

[1] Status byte (at timeout - 1)



Status byte for Pstb



Ret                :  Return value

0 : "RQS bit on" reception complete

1 : "RQS bit on" and EOI reception complete

80 : GpIni() hasn't execute

128 : "RQS bit on" could not be received

140 : Asynchronous function is executing now

240 : ESC key pressed

252 : GP-IB error

254 : Timeout

255 : Illegal call

(See "Return Values" for details.)


image\head10.gif Notes

1 To determine the address and status byte of the talker with "RQS bit on", specify as follows:

DWORD On, Talker, Status;

On = Pstb[0];

Talker = Cmd[On];

Status = Pstb[On];

In addition, Pstb is declared as a 4 byte integer while the status byte that is returned is 1 byte.
If Pstb contains data, the returned status byte may not be passed successfully.
Therefore, clear Pstb to zero before executing serial poll (RQS bit = Bit 6(40H)).


2 Turned out to be able to get status byte, if not recognize SRQ.