that Support the Function
Operation The
condition of the asynchronous function and the return value of the asynchronous
function are acquired.
Dim WaitFlag, ErrCode, Ret As Integer
Ret = GpCheckAsync(WaitFlag, ErrCode)
DWORD WaitFlag, ErrCode, Ret;
Ret = GpCheckAsync(WaitFlag, &ErrCode);
uint WaitFlag, ErrCode, Ret;
Ret = gpib.CheckAsync(WaitFlag, out ErrCode);
WaitFlag, ErrCode, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()
Ret.value = GpibPy.GpCheckAsync(WaitFlag, ctypes.byref(ErrCode))
Mode Master
mode/Slave mode
WaitFlag : Setting of wait for asynchronous function
0 : Condition is checkd and returned soon.
Except for 0 : It waits until present time-out time passes when a asynchronous function isn't completed.
ErrCode : (OUT) Error code of asynchronous function.
Ret : Return value
0 :Normal completion
80 : GpIni() hasn't execute
140 : Asynchronous function is executing now
254 : Timeout
(See "Return Values" for details.)
1 Completion is checked by this function when the function of the asynchronism is executed.
2 The ErrCode varies according to the asynchronous function. Refer to the return value of the each asynchronous function.