
image\BLTLRGSQ.gifBoards that Support the Function image\SETUP.gif image\SANBTN.gif



image\head10.gif Operation             Receives a specified file.


image\head10.gif Format                 


Dim Srlen, Ret As Integer

Dim Cmd(xxxx) As Integer ' (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays)

Dim Fname As String

Ret = GpRfile(Cmd, Srlen, Fname)



DWORD Srlen, Ret;

DWORD * Cmd;

char * Fname;

Ret = GpRfile(Cmd, Srlen, Fname);



uint Srlen, Ret;

uint[] Cmd = new uint[xxxx]; /* (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays) */

string Fname;

Ret = gpib.Rfile(Cmd, Srlen, Fname);



Srlen, Ret = ctypes.c_ulong(), ctypes.c_ulong()

Cmd = (ctypes.c_ulong * xxxx)() # (xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays)

Fname = ctypes.create_string_buffer(xxxx) # (xxxx specifies the maximum length of file name)

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpRfile(Cmd, Srlen, Fname)



image\head10.gif Mode                   Master mode/Slave mode


image\head10.gif Parameters          Cmd       :   Command array

[0] Number of talkers and listeners (Slave mode = 0)

[1] Talker address

[2] Listener address



Srlen      :  File name length

Fname    :  File name (such as "A:\\ABC.DAT")

Ret        : Return value

0     : Normal completion (Delimiter receive)

1     : Normal completion (Delimiter and EOI receive)

2     : Normal completion (EOI receive)

80    : GpIni() hasn't execute

140  : Asynchronous function is executing now

240  : ESC key pressed

241  : File input/output error

242  : Miss in address specified

252  : GP-IB error

254  : Timeout

255  : Parameter error

(See "Return Values" for details.)


image\head10.gif Notes                     1 Pay attention to the contents of the receive data file and selection of delimiter code. (Such as CR/LF in a text data file.)

2 The file size that can be handled is 1 byte to 256 Mbyte.

3 If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.


Ret = ctypes.c_ulong()

Dim Cmd(xxxx) As Long '(xxxx specifies the maximum number of command arrays.)

Dim Fname As String

Ret.value = GpibPy.GpRfile(Cmd(0), Srlen, Fname)


image\head10.gif Mode                   Master mode/Slave mode


image\head10.gif Parameters          Cmd       :   Command array

[0] Number of talkers and listeners (Slave mode = 0)

[1] Talker address

[2] Listener address



Srlen      :  File name length

Fname    :  File name (such as "A:\\ABC.DAT")

Ret        : Return value

0     : Normal completion (Delimiter receive)

1     : Normal completion (Delimiter and EOI receive)

2     : Normal completion (EOI receive)

80    : GpIni() hasn't execute

140  : Asynchronous function is executing now

240  : ESC key pressed

241  : File input/output error

242  : Miss in address specified

252  : GP-IB error

254  : Timeout

255  : Parameter error

(See "Return Values" for details.)


image\head10.gif Notes                     1 Pay attention to the contents of the receive data file and selection of delimiter code. (Such as CR/LF in a text data file.)

2 The file size that can be handled is 1 byte to 256 Mbyte.

3 If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.