When using VisualBasic.NET, VisualC++



Specification of Functions

You can use WIN32 API format functions as same as before.

Functions only for VisualBasic.NET are not exists.


Parameters and Return Code

Parameters and return codes are same as when using by other languages.

Please see details of function references.


Format of function references

Format (Visual Basic) in function references are for VisualBasic 4, 5, 6.

Data types are changed from VisualBasic.NET.

Please see declarations of .VB file

\Program Files\CONTEC\API-PAC(W32)\XXX\Samples\Inc\XXX.VB


Example of change of type declaration

VisualBasic4,5,6 VisualBasic.NET


16bBit Integer -> Short

32Bit Long -> Integer

64Bit None ->Long

Any -> Specific data types.


Sample Programs

Please see following folders.

\Program Files\CONTEC\API-PAC(W32)\XXX\Samples\VbNet






Specification of Functions

You can use WIN32 API format functions as same as before.

Functions only for VisualC++.NET are not exists.


Parameters and Return Code

Parameters and return codes are same as when using by other languages.

Please see details of function references.


Format of function references

Same as C language.


Sample Programs

Please see following folders.

\Program Files\CONTEC\API-PAC(W32)\XXX\Samples\VcNet


Note: These samples are MFC applications. These are not for ManagedC++.