-Use function
Operation by the event is observed by using the event function.
-Operation method
• Set the Device name.
• Set the axis to operate in the [Change axis] menu.
• Enable / Disable STOP event in the [STOP EVENT Setting] menu.
• Enable / Disable OUTPULSE COUNT event in the [OUTPULSE COUNT EVENT Setting] menu.
Set the number of counts to compare. This setting is invalid if OUTPULSE COUNT event is invalid.
• Enable / Disable ENCODER COUNT event in the [ENCODER COUNT EVENT Setting] menu.
Set the number of counts to compare. This setting is invalid if ENCODER COUNT event is invalid.
• Enable / Disable BANK event in the [BANK EVENT Setting] menu.
Set the bank number that you want to generate a bank completion event.
If this sample is executed in the DL series, an error occurs because the DL series does not support the bank completion event function (SmcWBankEvent). To execute this sample on the DL series, comment out the corresponding function, recompile and execute it.
• Display various parameters to be set for the driver in the [Display parameter] menu.
• Execute the various event functions and wait for the enabled event in the [Start event function] menu.
When an event occurs, the details of the event that occurred at the callback destination will be displayed.
• If the setting is not valid, the Return value and error details are displayed. Check the correspondence and try again.