

Retrieves the speed and the coordinates position of a circular arc interpolation.



Ret = SmcWSetReady( Id, AxisNo, MotionType, StartDir )



Id [ C, C++: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]

Specify the device ID retrieved by SmcWInit function.


AxisNo [ C, C++: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]

Specify axis number.


BankNo [ C, C++: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]

Specify bank number.


ArcSpeed [ C, C++: double * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) ]

The address of the variable that stores the circular arc interpolation speed value is specified.


Center_X [ C, C++: int * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) ]

The address of the variable where X coordinates at a circular arc center position are stored by relative coordinates is specified.  


Center_Y [ C, C++: int * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) ]

The address of the variable where Y coordinates at a circular arc center position are stored by relative coordinates is specified.  


End_X [ C, C++: int * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) ]

The address of the variable where X coordinates at the circular arc interpolation end position are stored by relative coordinates is specified.


End_Y [ C, C++: int * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) ]

The address of the variable where Y coordinates at the circular arc interpolation end position are stored by relative coordinates is specified.


Return Value

Ret [ C, C++: long ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]


Terminated normally


Terminated abnormally

See also: Error code details



It is not possible to use it with SMC-2/4/8DL series.

As for the circular arc interpolation speed value, the value is corrected to the multiple of the resolution set with SmcWSetBankResolveSpeed.


See Also
