Retrieves the settings of the width of deviation counter clear/alarm clear signals and the OFF timer time of deviation counter clear signal.
Ret = SmcWGetErcAlmClearTime( Id, AxisNo, ErcTime, ErcOffTimer, AlmTime )
Id [ C, C++: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Specify the device ID retrieved by SmcWInit function.
AxisNo [ C, C++: short ] [ Python: ctypes.c_short ]
Specify the axis number.
ErcTime [ C, C++: short * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short) ]
Specify the address of a variable to store the width of deviation counter clear signal.
0 |
12[usec] |
1 |
102[usec] |
2 |
408[usec] |
3 |
1.6[msec] |
4 |
13[msec] |
5 |
52[msec] |
6 |
104[msec] |
7 |
Level output |
ErcOffTimer [ C, C++: short * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short) ]
Specify the address of a variable to store the OFF timer time of deviation counter clear signal.
0 |
0[usec] |
1 |
12[usec] |
2 |
1.6[msec] |
3 |
104[msec] |
AlmTime [ C, C++: short * ] [ Python: ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short) ]
Specify the address of a variable to store the width of alarm clear signal.
0 |
12[usec] |
1 |
102[usec] |
2 |
408[msec] |
3 |
1.6[msec] |
4 |
13[msec] |
5 |
52[msec] |
6 |
104[msec] |
Return Value
Ret [ C, C++: long ] [ Python: ctypes.c_long ]
0 |
Terminated normally |
Non-zero |
Terminated abnormally |
See also: Error code details
Initial Value
ErcTime |
0 : 12[usec] |
ErcOffTimer |
0 : 0[usec] |
AlmTime |
0 : 12[usec] |
To the setting of CtrlTypeOut1 to 3 in the SmcSetCtrlTypeOut function
-ErcTime and ErcOffTimer
setting value effective when "Deflection counter clearness"
is set
-AlarmTime setting value effective when "Alarm clearness" is
set It becomes it.
An alarm clear signal can
output the one shot pulse of I in timing.
Therefore, this function can be used as an alarm clear signal to output
the one shot pulse only.
This function can be executed even if the device is in operation.
The set up information at the width of an alarm clear signal and clearness/time of the deflection counter of axis number 1 of deflection counter clear signal OFF timer is acquired.
C, C++
long Ret;
short ErcTime ;
short ErcOffTimer ;
short AlmTime ;
Ret = SmcWGetErcAlmClearTime( Id , 1, &ErcTime , &ErcOffTimer , &AlmTime );
Ret = ctypes.c_long()
ErcTime = ctypes.c_short()
ErcOffTimer = ctypes.c_short()
AlmTime = ctypes.c_short()
Ret.value = csmc.SmcWGetErcAlmClearTime( Id , 1, ctypes.byref(ErcTime) , ctypes.byref(ErcOffTimer) , ctypes.byref(AlmTime) )
See Also