Init and exit processing are common processing that are necessary for
all programming.
Init processing is performed by function DioInit.
This function creates driver file and secures necessary memory.
There are 2 parameters in function DioInit.
The first parameter is DeviceName.
DeviceName is a character string such as "DIO000" which is registered
in Setup Tool (configuration).
The second parameter is ID.
ID is a number passed from driver, and this ID is required to use the following
If function terminates normally, the return value (Ret) is 0.
If function execution failed, a value other than 0 is returned.
Exit processing is performed by function DioExit.
This function stops the device and driver operation, releases all the resources
used by memory and threads, etc.
Please make sure to execute this function before terminating application.
Otherwise, the resources used by driver may remain unopened.
Perform the init and exit processing for device "DIO000"
long Ret;
short Id;
Ret = DioInit( "DIO000" , &Id );
if(Ret != 0){
printf("Error occurred in DioInit %d\n",
Ret = DioExit( Id );
if(Ret != 0){
printf("Error occurred in DioExit %d\n",
Ret = ctypes.c_long()
Id = ctypes.c_short()
Ret.value = cdio.DioInit ( b"DIO000" , ctypes.byref(Id))
if Ret.value != 0:
print(f"Error occurred in DioInit {Ret.value}\n")
Ret.value = cdio.DioExit ( Id )
if Ret.value != 0:
print(f"Error occurred in DioExit {Ret.value}\n")