The following operation can be executed for the counter.
Please refer to Function Reference for details and setting method of each
used function.
Start count (the function of CntStartCount)
Start the count operation of the counter.
It is possible to start count operation for specified multiple channels
at the same time.
Stop count (the function of CntStopCount)
Stop the count operation of the counter.
It is possible to stop count operation for specified multiple channels
at the same time.
Read count value (the function of CntReadCount)
Read the count value.
For the reading is latched to the hardware, it is possible to read count
values of multiple channels at the same time.
Preset count value (the function of CntPreset)
Renew the count value to a specified value.
Clear count value to zero (the function of CntZeroClearCount)
Set the count value to zero.
Read status register (the functions of CntReadStatus , CntReadStatusEx)
Retrieve the counter status.