File Structure

User Directory/contec/caio
|____Makefile ............................................ Make file for installing
| ................................... Shell script for uninstalling
|____readme_jp.txt ....................................... README Japanese version
|____readme_en.txt ....................................... README English version
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for compiling and installing
|        |____getres_usb.c ............................... USB resource acquisition module source for config
|        |____cgetres_usb.h .............................. USB resource acquisition module header for config
|        |____gpl-2.0.txt ................................ GNU General Public License
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for compiling and installing
|        |____config ..................................... Setup program: It is generated by "make install" command.
|        |____caio.ko .................................... Driver for the starting version: It is generated by "make install" command.
|        |____caio2.ko ................................... Driver for the starting version: It is generated by "make install" command.
|        |____caiousb.ko ................................. Driver for the starting version: It is generated by "make install" command.
|        | ........................ Driver start script: It is created by saving the configuration with config.
|        | ......................... Driver stop script: It is created by saving the configuration with config.
|        |____contec_aio.conf ............................ Setup file: It is created by saving the configuration with config. It is copied to /proc as the start script.
|        |____xxxx ....................................... Directory that is named after current kernel version: It is generated by "make" command.
|        |        |____cgetres.ko ........................ config PCI, PCI Express resource acquisition driver (corresponding to the current kernel version): It is generated by "make" command.
|        |        |____cgetres_usb.ko .................... config USB resource acquisition driver (corresponding to the current kernel version): It is generated by "make" command.
|        |____i386
|        |        |____config ............................ [x86] 32bit Setup program 
|        |____amd64
|        |        |____config ............................ [x86] 64bit Setup program
|        |____arm32
|        |        |____config ............................ [arm] 32bit Setup program 
|        |____arm64
|        |        |____config ............................ [arm] 64bit Setup program
|        |____cgetres.c .................................. PCI, PCI Express resource acquisition module source for config
|        |____cgetres.h .................................. PCI, PCI Express resource acquisition module header for config
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version
|        |____en ......................................... Web Help English version
|        |____jp ......................................... Web Help Japanese version
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for installing
|        |____aiocommon.h ................................ Common header of library and module
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version
|        |____i386
|        |        | .................... [x86] 32bit Shared library
|        |____amd64
|        |        | .................... [x86] 64bit Shared library
|        |____arm32
|        |        | .................... [arm] 32bit Shared library
|        |____arm64
|        |        | .................... [arm] 64bit Shared library
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for compiling and installing
|        |____xxxxx.c .................................... Source of module
|        |____xxxxx.h .................................... Header of module
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for compiling and installing
|        |____xxxxx.c .................................... Source of module
|        |____xxxxx.h .................................... Header of module
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version
|        |
|        |____Makefile ................................... Make file for compiling and installing
|        |____xxxxx.c .................................... Source of module
|        |____xxxxx.h .................................... Header of module
|        |____gpl-2.0.txt ................................ GNU General Public License
|        |
|        |____en ......................................... English version
|        |        |____inc ............................... Header file directory
|        |        |____gcc ............................... Gcc version
|        |        |        |____console .................. Console sample directory
|        |        |____python ............................ Python version
|        |                 |____console .................. Console sample directory
|        |____jp ......................................... Japanese version
|        |        |____inc ............................... Header file directory
|        |        |____gcc ............................... Gcc version
|        |        |        |____console .................. Console sample directory
|        |        |____python ............................ Python version
|        |                 |____console .................. Console sample directory
|        |____EULA_JP.txt ................................ License Agreement Japanese version
|        |____EULA_EN.txt ................................ License Agreement English version

- The following files are copied to system by executing make install.

/usr/lib/ ...................................... Shared library
/usr/lib/ .................................. Shared library

 The following files are created in system by performing the start script of driver.

/dev/caioXXX (XXX is digital) ............................ File node of driver
/proc/contec_aio.conf .................................... Copy the setup file
/proc/contec_aio_mem.conf ................................ Copy the setup file