In generally, there are several formats of conversion data. For example, straight binary, offset binary and complement binary and so on.
This device driver supports straight
binary format, only.
In other words, it doesn't support the other formats.
The relationship between the voltage of binary value and conversion data is expressed by the following formula.
Voltage value = Binary value X ( Max value of Range - Min value of Range ) / Resolution + Min value of Range
Example 1: The following table shows the relationship between voltage and binary value with (-10 to 10V) range and 12 bit resolution.
Voltage (Round 4th decimal place) |
Binary value in decimal ( Hexadecimal with 4 digis) |
9.995V |
4095(0FFFh) |
9.990V |
4094(0FFEh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
0.005V |
2049(0801h) |
0.000V |
2048(0800h) |
-0.005V |
2047(07FFh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
-9.995V |
1(0001h) |
-10.000V |
0(0000h) |
Example 2: The following table shows the relationship between voltage and binary value with (0 to 10V) range and 12 bit resolution.
Voltage (Round 4th decimal place) |
Binary value in decimal ( Hexadecimal with 4 digis) |
9.998V |
4095(0FFFh) |
9.995V |
4094(0FFEh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
5.002V |
2049(0801h) |
5.000V |
2048(0800h) |
4.998V |
2047(07FFh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
-9.995V |
1(0001h) |
-10.000V |
0(0000h) |
The relationship between the current of binary value and conversion data is expressed by the following formula.
Current value = Binary value X ( Max value of Range - Min value of Range ) / Resolution + Min value of Range
Example 3: The following table shows the relationship between current and binary value with (4 to 20mA) range and 12 bit resolution.
Current (Round 4th decimal place) |
Binary value in decimal ( Hexadecimal with 4 digis) |
19.996mA |
4095(0FFFh) |
19.992mA |
4094(0FFEh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
12.004mA |
2049(0801h) |
12.000mA |
2048(0800h) |
11.996mA |
2047(07FFh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
4.004mA |
1(0001h) |
4.000mA |
0(0000h) |
Example 4: The following table shows the relationship between current and binary value with (0 to 20mA) range and 12 bit resolution.
Current (Round 4th decimal place) |
Binary value in decimal ( Hexadecimal with 4 digis) |
19.995mA |
4095(0FFFh) |
19.990mA |
4094(0FFEh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
10.005mA |
2049(0801h) |
10.000mA |
2048(0800h) |
9.995ma |
2047(07FFh) |
. |
. |
. |
. |
0.005mA |
1(0001h) |
0.000mA |
0(0000h) |