Repeat indicates the number of times to repeat from the establishment of sampling start condition to the end of sampling including delay sampling.
When repeat is set, operation is stopped after repeating the conversion
with a series of settings.
And repeat can be repeated indefinitely. When repeating indefinitely, Stop
the operation by forced stop command (AioStopAi) in software.
Sets the repeat times by using function AioSetAiRepeatTimes.
Ret = AioSetAiRepeatTimes ( Id , AiRepeatTimes )
In AiRepeatTimes, set the repeat times.
The set conversion is repeated for the number of repeat times set by
the function AioSetAiRepeatTimes.
AiRepeatTimes = 0 is the setting of infinite repeat times. Input is repeated
indefinitely until the function AioStopAi
is executed.