API-TOOL(LNX) HELP is designed to display the help document with properly layout along to the current windows size.
Therefore, you can use any display devices what ever you want to refer API-TOOL(LNX) help documents. for example Desktop PC, Tablet PC or Mobile phone.
And also, there is "Breadcrumb" on the top of all topics. So, it indicates you the nest of the current topic on API-TOOL(LNX) help system.
Technically, API-TOOL(LNX) help uses Responsive HTML5.
Basically, Responsive HTML5 format files can refer with the general web browser. CONTEC confirms it with the latest Fire Fox, Google Chrom and Microsoft Edge.
Topic of Contents (TOC) Tab: You can see the tree of all topics
on the navigation area when you select "TOC" tab(). There are some sub-topics
are included the parent topic which has "
icon on the head. Sub-topics are expanding then you can see all sub-topics
when you select "
icon of the parent topic. You have already seen all sub-topics on navigation
area when the parent topic has "
" icon on
the head. Sub-topics will collapse and you will see "
" icon on your parent
topic when you select "
icon on it.
Index Tab: You can see all keyword list on your navigation area when
you select "Index" tab().
The keyword list will narrow down when you enter characters in the "Filter
Keywords" area in top of "Index" tab. Another words, you
can see only keyword list which match the your input words.
Search Area: You can search the topics which are included your "words"
or "phrase" in search area. It is very easy to search it
all help system. Just, specify your "words" or "phrase"
on Search area and click Search icon ().
Printer Icon: You can print-out the current topic when you click printer
Arrow Icon: There are arrow icons located the right hand side of printer
icon. You can move to the previous topic() or the
next topic(
) from the current
Breadcrumb: There are breadcrumb on top of all topics. You can understand the nest of the current topic on help system. You can also jump to the parent topic when you select the parent topic name on breadcrumb.
"<<" Icon: There is "<<" icon on the
middle area on desktop PC layout. The navigation area will be collapsed
when you click () icon. When you click (
) icon, the navigation area will come back.