I/O Controller Unit and I/O Assist Sever are used after performing setting in F&eIT utility.
There are three types of settings be performed in F&eIT utility.
Network Setting
I/O Controller Unit and I/O Assist Sever are same as PC, they have the setting items as network articles, just like IP address, subnet mask, and so on. By doing these settings, a network device will be accessible in your network. Please set the device to match your network environment.
The items set in network setting is written into I/O Controller Unit itself. So even if the power of I/O Controller Unit is turned off, the setting is valid at next time of power on.
Device Inherent Setting
The inherent settings of device (digital filter for digital device, input range of analog input device, and so on) can be set.
The items set in device inherent setting is written into I/O Controller Unit itself. So even if the power of I/O Controller Unit is turned off, the setting is valid at next time of power on.
Setting File
In the PC by which I/O Controller Unit is controlled, device name (symbol of device), IP address, and so on are saved to disk as setting file. API function library will read this file and then works.
Setting file is a text file, and saved in Windows folder with the file name APICAP.DAT. When the finished application used API function is executed in other PC in which there is not setting utility, it is possible that the application can be executed without redoing operations in F&eIT utility by copying this setting file and necessary DLL to this PC.